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Pauchi Sasaki: GAMA XV
for two speaker dresses (2016)

George Lewis: Emergent
for flute and electronics (2016)

Richard Beaudoin: Another Woman
Seven stories for flute and eight voices on text by Paul Grifiths (2016)

Felipe Lara: Parábolas na Caverna
for amplified flute (2014)

Felipe Lara: Meditation and Calligraphy
for amplified bass flute (2014)

Marcos Balter: Pessoa
Dedicated to Claire Chase (2013)

Dai Fujikura: Lila
for flute (2015)

Du Yun: An Empty Garlic
for bass flute and electronics (2014)

Suzanne Farrin: The Stimulus of Loss
for glissando flute and ondes Martenot (2016)

Olga Neuwirth: Magic Flu-idity
for solo flute and typewriter (2018)

Sarah Hennies: Reservoir 2: Intrusion
for flute and voices (2018-2019)

Mario Diaz de León: Luciform
for flute and electronics (2013)

Liza Lim: Sex Magic
for contrabass Flute (alto ocarina, Aztec 'death whistle', bell, pedal bass drum) electronics and installation of kinetic percussion instruments (2020)

Phyllis Chen: Roots of Interior
for flute and heartbeat (2019)

Pauline Oliveros: Intensity 20.15 – A Tribute to Grace Chase
for a variety of instruments, text by Grace Chase, Contrabass Flute and Expanded Instrument System (EIS)

Nathan Davis: Limn
for solo bass and contrabass flute (2015)

Tyshawn Sorey: Bertha's Lair
for contrabass flute or C flute and drum set, any percussion setup, or piano (2016, rev. 2019)

Marcos Balter: Pan
for acting/singing flutist and large ensemble (2017, rev. 2019)

Pamela Z: Louder Warmer Denser
for flutes, tape and processing

Jason Eckardt: The Silenced
a monodrama for flutist



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